By Marius von Mayenburg. Translated by Maja Zade
Presented in association with Auckland Live.
Couple A arrive home from holiday to find their house out of sorts. Couple B had been housesitting and haven’t paid the electricity bill. Couple B arrive home to find that Couple A have let themselves in and have moved their things around. It’s all a bit perplexing.
Kicking off just like any other domestic comedy, Perplex quickly devolves into a nonsensical game of blurred lines and morphed characters. From the appearance of an elk, Nietzsche and a Nazi, to nude discussions of Darwin — this is one hell of a mind bender.
German playwright Marius von Mayenburg throws theatrical conventions at the fourth wall till it breaks. Actors swap characters like hats and there are absolutely no rules in this wild, absurdist deconstruction of personal identity and theatre itself.
Riffing on the realities we create and the constant reinvention of ourselves, Perplex is a deeply funny and incredibly bizarre farce about nothing and everything at the same time.
Contains nudity