Mauri Tau - 2025 Schools
Mauri Tau - 2025 Schools
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How do I listen and experience MAURI TAU?
You will be sent a unique, private URL for MAURI TAU in advance. This is to be experienced only for students and teachers who have paid for a valid ticket and you will be have a limited time to experience this.
You will also be sent an education resource alongside your instructions to access MAURI TAU, or you can click the link above to view and download it.
What is MAURI TAU?
MAURI TAU is a unique storytelling experience, a participatory audio show designed to play through your smart phone and heard through your headphones.
What does MAURI TAU mean?
Translated from te reo Māori, MAURI TAU means to relax, chill, be calm or to be deliberate.
What kind of smartphone do I need?
MAURI TAU is hosted from Vimeo, you can play this on any smartphone that can connect to the internet through WiFi or data. You can play this from an internet browser such as Google Chrome or Safari, or through the Vimeo app.
What if I don’t have a smartphone?
MAURI TAU can be enjoyed using any device that has access to the internet. This includes computers, laptops, tablets and iPads. As we encourage you to experience MAURI TAU outside, we recommend using devices that can be easily carried around.
Are there specific earphones I should use?
No. MAURI TAU can be experienced with any earphones that you have access to.
How long will the whole experience take?
MAURI TAU is approximately 50–55 minutes.
Do I have to do it outdoors?
We encourage you to connect with your outdoor environment where you can in order to connect with Te Kāhui O Matariki (the star cluster). This could be during a hīkoi (walk) or sitting in a restful space outside or near your classroom.
However, if you would prefer to enjoy the MAURI TAU experience from the comfort of your classroom, you are most welcome to.
What if the weather does not comply on the day?
Whilst we recommend MAURI TAU to be experienced outdoors, we acknowledge that your capacity to participate in MAURI TAU outdoors may change due to the weather. Should the weather impact your listening experience, we recommend you listen to MAURI TAU indoors.
Can I pause the experience and finish it off later?
We highly recommend that you experience MAURI TAU in one go. However, if you need to hit pause for whatever reason, please be aware that you may only have a limited time to complete the experience.
How much data will the experience use up?
MAURI TAU has been estimated to use approximately 300MB.
Can I use my wifi at School to download the experience before I listen to it?
You will need access to WiFi or data during the experience or you will need to pre-buffer the video player.
If I have any remaining questions, who can help me?
If you have any other questions, please contact Silo Programme Manager nahyeon@silotheatre.co.nz. We’ll get back to you as soon as possible but please note that business hours are Monday - Friday, 9AM-5PM and responses outside of these hours may be delayed.