Loose Canons: Rachel Marlow
Loose Canons: Rachel Marlow
Rachel Marlow - The Pantograph Punch

Rachel Marlow is an Auckland based lighting designer who regularly works with the likes of Silo Theatre (Boys Will Be Boys), Last Tapes Theatre (Valerie, Earnest), Red Leap Theatre (Dust Pilgrim), The Playground Collective (The Intricate Art of Actually Caring) and Auckland Theatre Company (My Own Darling). Rachel studied Theatre at Victoria University of Wellington and Royal Holloway University of London. She enjoys collaborating to produce beautiful theatrical productions and light installations.
Marlow's latest production is Silo Theatre's Mr. Burns: A Post-Electric Play, which opens on the 14th of September at Q Theatre in Auckland.
When Auckland Art Gallery hosted Light Show, an exhibition of some of the most renowned light-based art in the world, it was like a dream come true for me. I spent a lot of time there.
There were so many pieces in that show that have inspired me. The works of Leo Villareal, Jim Campbell and Jenny Holzer spurred on my interest in pixels and a passion for creating LED sculptures. I have a real soft spot for Dan Flavin’s colour fluoro sculptures – the creation of strong lines and one strong statement. And I adore the atmospheric work of James Turrell and Anthony McCall. Light Show was an incredible opportunity to experience light in a new context – as an element worthy of standing on its own.
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