Every Brilliant Thing cast highlight need for mental health awareness
Every Brilliant Thing cast highlight need for mental health awareness
Jessica Tyson - Te Ao Māori News

A play resonating with an ever-increasing need for mental health awareness and support in Aotearoa is set to open tonight in Auckland, played by Māori actor Jason Te Kare, and Samoan actress Anapela Polata'ivao.
"The play is basically about a list of brilliant things the main character starts writing, really to help figure out his mother’s depression. So the young boy starts writing a list of brilliant things to help his mother see the brilliant things in the world," Te Kare says.
The list includes memories about the young character’s favourite songs, movies, sports stars such as Jonah Lomu, the haka and staying up late past his bedtime.
“But then it grows as he grows. So it becomes things like falling in love, hugging, the even-numbered Star Trek films. So it gets very specific," Te Kare says, “the list symbolises the beautiful things that we are surrounded by in our lives. We forget how lucky we are sometimes, so the list is a reminder to open your eyes to the brilliant things that are just around you in your everyday life.”...
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